A Live Soundtrack for Your Wedding or Event!
Music and the movies are a strong connection!
Casablanca…Three Coins In The Fountain…Animal House…
What would they have been witout exactly the right music popping up at exactly the right time?
In EXACTLY in the right spot….
And all of a sudden it’s 1944…or 1954…or 1962 and you are so there.
You can taste and feel every thing about that exact moment in time.
Even if you weren’t born until 1984.
Some smart “music supervisor” figured out how to transport you to another time and place.
That’s what we do.
Live, and hopefully at precisely the right moment.
We take you on a trip right into your own heart, inside your most meaningful thoughts, dreams and memories.
You could program your iPod, but you wouldn’t get the same results.
And I’ve yet to meet an iPod that can think things through “in-the-moment” the way a live band can.
Or a DJ, for that matter.
Big band, small band….there are plenty of options — and sometimes less is even more.
Timing, though, is everything.