Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Old Hollywood Wedding Music

“Live and Judy are always better in my book!”

My Champagne flute runneth over….

Here are excerpts from my mailbox:

I am looking for a great variety of music. As i looked over the list of sounds and musical eras you have managed to expertly and gracefully cover, this is something I have dreamed of at my wedding reception. If you can email with the necessary information, availability and the cost of your services it would be much appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day.


And another…..

Judy, I hope that you remember us; Alina and I were privileged enough to
have you and your band perform at our wedding and reception in Long Beach
in May of last year. Since then (as you knew) I deployed to Iraq, and have returned with a little
less hearing in my right ear, but otherwise unscathed.

We have pictures! And I would love to send you a series of pictures for
your office, and also any e-pictures that you would like for your website.
Please send me an address, so I can send you a set of thank you pictures
for you. You were the best!

Very respectfully,

Rob Peters

And another……

Hi Judy,

Bill & I finally decided on ceremony music. I am including some youtube links to the music as we liked it–tempo-wise. Of course, we are interested in your version of the songs beyond the clips we are sending!!

Beyond these three songs, if you would like to sprinkle era/stylistically supportive tunes leading up to the ceremony, that would be wonderful…

I will compile a big list of songs we are thinking of burning to cd so we can see if you were planning to play some of them instead. Live and Judy is always better in my book!

So excited,

And an interesting phone conversation:

BRIDE: Hi Judy. I’m calling to talk about our first dance. You know the song we’re doing.
ME: I sure do.
BRIDE: We just aren’t dancers. Can you make the song shorter, maybe find a way to keep it at around a minute?
ME: Of course. We’re a live band. We can do anything.
BRIDE: The dance instructor said to tell you she thinks the right tempo is about 36 measures a minute. Can we stop after a minute or so? Can you find a way to end the song after a minute?
ME: OK, let’s work on that. How about if I sing the song right now for you at a few different tempos and we time the different versions with a stop watch?
BRIDE: Great!
ME: I get 30 measures per minute if we slow it down a bit and about 34 at the tempo of the original recording. And one time through — using just one chorus of the song — brings you to about a minute and a half. We can stop there if you like. Not do a cheesy DJ ‘fade out,’ but a nice ending. Are you learning a ‘routine’ or ballroom ‘moves.’
BRIDE: We thought it would be better to learn some steps, so that’s what we’re doing.
ME: Good.
BRIDE: I keep thinking I am going to fall or something.
ME: I hear this all the time, you know. Everyone is scared, especially during the first chorus. And after that most people stop grimacing and looking tense and whispering instructions to each other, and really start dancing. Because they have figured out that the ‘worst’ is over and by then they’re actually having fun!
BRIDE: After the first chorus, you mean?
ME: Exactly. But if you’re not enjoying yourself and you don’t want to go on, we’ll end the song after one chorus.
BRIDE: I can just throw you a look, right?
ME: Absolutely. I’ll be watching your every move. We can slow down in the middle of the song, speed up in the middle of the song, or just end the thing. But best case scenario, you’ll end up having a blast and the photgrapher will get some wonderful pictures.
BRIDE: I really like that.
ME: Do you feel better now? Not so scared?
BRIDE: I do.
ME: You should have a big ending, too. Maybe a dip.
BRIDE: I think we can do that!
ME: Have fun with the rest of your lessons, and please let me know how you’re doing.
BRIDE: I will. And I really do feel better. I think it will be a lot of fun, actually.

I love helping people plan special things.
Welcome home, Rob. I can’t wait to see the pictures.